Henderson Chiropractic
Chiropractors in Cockburn
6 Barrington Street. Spearwood. Cockburn, WA, 6163.What you should know about Henderson Chiropractic
For safe, effective and personalised care call Cockburn Medical Centre (9418 3722) and ask to book an appointment with principal chiropractor Rogan Henderson at Henderson Chiropractic today.
Why Henderson Chiropractic
- Henderson Chiropractic is uniquely positioned in the Cockburn Medical Complex working in a multidisciplinary setting, with experienced general practitioners and counselling services.
- The extended consult times allow me to truly manage your condition(s) and understand your goals.
- Restoring and maintaining joint function
by chiropractic adjustments/manipulation (when appropriate) are only
part of the treatment. I’m often asked if I do the “soft tissue stuff”
as well and the answer is YES.
Although most people associate chiropractic care with just the treatment of back pain, I offer treatment for the following:
Back pain
Neck pain and whiplash associated disorders
Headache and migraine
Shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand pain
Hip, knee, ankle, foot pain Sciatica
Numbness or tingling
Arthritic and other joint problems
Jaw pain (TMJ)
Sporting and work-related injuries
I have particular interests in back pain and sporting injury management.
Don't live your life in pain when there is qualified help available!
Social media
Back pain
Neck pain and whiplash associated disorders
Headache and migraine
Shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand pain
Hip, knee, ankle, foot pain Sciatica
Numbness or tingling
Arthritic and other joint problems
Jaw pain (TMJ)
Sporting and work-related injuries I have particular interests in back pain and sporting injury management.
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- Credit card
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